Percy mentioned when we were at Bonanza after finally being able to leave the Walmart parking lot, where a dark, expensive looking sports car had parked - not even in a parking space next to the van, but actually in the access roadway in front of the Walmart, so Percy couldn't open the wheel chair lift on the right side of the van - that he was recovering from the same illness that Chistopher Reeve had when he passed away.
Curiously, the topic came up after Percy mentioned that his son, Allen, had the Van Buren High School men's single game scoring record after I let slip that I had once covered the former Williamstown Theater Festival actor - super hero in a pick-up basketball game, and a friend [named Dave] had lunch with him at a cottage at Galusha's Farm. Check out Dave's invention of a grass pellet for electricity gasifier:
Published on Apr 26, 2012
"Dave Dolan of Flying Rabbit Farm, Otego, NY explains how he built a grass pellet gasifier to run the gas through his diesel tractor and produce electricity."
From Maine State Representative Bernard Ayotte's voting record (beginning with his vote to reform Maine's workman's comp laws) according to Project Votesmart:
Don’t give up
After the late Rev. Jerry Falwell blamed 9-11 on pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays and the ACLU, a little see-through angel appeared in a vision and told me: “It was because you kicked people off welfare.” I Googled it. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, requiring poor families to leave Temporary Assistance to Needy Families within 60 months, was enacted Aug. 22, 1996; 60 months and 20 days later was Sept. 11, 2001.
Who created the housing bubble by speculating in real estate with loans at interest rates lowered by the Fed to prop up the markets after 9-11? People on food stamps?
Who got people to accept sub-prime mortgages with escalating variable rates by claiming the people could get a better mortgage when their home’s value rose due to the bubble? Homeless people?
Who packaged those mortgages, got them inaccurately rated and sold them as securities, creating the credit crunch? Methadone clinics?
Who drastically increased many types of insurance premiums? Planned Parenthood?
Who drove oil up to $145 a barrel in 2008 by speculating on futures contracts? Illegal aliens?
If you’ve been on TANF and injured by putdowns on these pages and by multimillionaires who make their living disparaging the poor — I apologize.
Check out Luke 6:20-26 and Google the Kate Bush-Peter Gabriel video “Don’t Give Up.”
God didn’t begrudge America His help. Keith C. Taft Van Buren
The TVA lesson
The June 26-27 BDN told us how Kay Phaneuf, 53, died after National Grid shut off the electric to her oxygen machine. She hadn’t paid her bill. The Boston Globe mentions she was a grandmother, cancer survivor and went to St. Joseph’s parish in Salem, N.H.
The Columbia Missourian reported that 30-year-old Nathan Graham Curry died of hypothermia in his home on Dec. 4, 2009, after his power had been shut off in September.
Michigan Welfare Rights representatives claim 18 people died last winter in Detroit because of DTE Energy shut-offs.
Some people might wonder about our nation. Not I. Jesus tells us we’re offspring of vipers in Matthew 12:34. So what’s that electric guitar distortion pedal shiver when we hear the first illegal fireworks on the Fourth? Could there be fine fruit too?
On MPBN, Libby Mitchell said: “We have entrepreneurs in Maine who are struggling to start photovoltaic and geothermal industries. The high cost of energy is one of the biggest barriers to businesses.”
It appears having lived in the South, Libby learned the lesson of the federally owned Tennessee Valley Authority which says added an estimated $3 billion into the federal budget receipts in the first quarter of 2009, producing inexpensive electricity for 9 million people in seven southeastern states. says its industrial rates in 2008 were 16 percent lower than the U.S. retail average, commercial rates 9 percent lower and residential rates 20 percent lower. Hit the juice. Keith C. Taft Van Buren
there was a concordance called the ashtiname signed by the prophet muhammed protecting christians and st catherine's library/monastery
Library history
The Journal of Library History says King Ashurbanipal (ruled 669-627 BC) of Assyria’s library at Nineveh on the Tigris opposite what is now Mosul, Iraq is considered the earliest known library.
Plutarch (46-120 AD) said Julius Caesar accidentally burned the famous Library of Alexandria, Egypt while purposely burning his own ships in 48 BC.
Constantine’s (46-120 AD) mom St. Helena built a chapel at the possible site of the strange bush from Exodus 3:2 in Sinai, Egypt. It is now called St. Catherine’s Monastery after the beautiful scholar from Alexandria the Golden Legend says was tortured and beheaded by Maxentius (278 AD - 312 AD) after marrying Jesus in the desert. says St. Catherine’s Library is the oldest continuously operating library in the world. says the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. is the largest library in the world after having been burned by the British in 1814 then having bought 6,487 of Thomas Jefferson’s books in 1815.
Literacy Volunteers of Augusta say the first public library building in Maine, built in 1880 in Hallowell is often mistaken as a church.
The Abel J. Morneault Library may not be the biggest, oldest or richest but it does have the DVD “Jimmy Franck’s Van Buren Memories,” bringing alive Van Buren’s past with haunting photos, interesting research and a World War II Pacific Theater Veteran’s endangered species memories.
The Journal of Library History says King Ashurbanipal (ruled 669-627 BC) of Assyria’s library at Nineveh on the Tigris opposite what is now Mosul, Iraq is considered the earliest known library.
Plutarch (46-120 AD) said Julius Caesar accidentally burned the famous Library of Alexandria, Egypt while purposely burning his own ships in 48 BC.
Constantine’s (46-120 AD) mom St. Helena built a chapel at the possible site of the strange bush from Exodus 3:2 in Sinai, Egypt. It is now called St. Catherine’s Monastery after the beautiful scholar from Alexandria the Golden Legend says was tortured and beheaded by Maxentius (250 -312 AD) after marrying Jesus in the desert. says St. Catherine’s Library is the oldest continuously operating library in the world. says the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. is the largest library in the world after having been burned by the British in 1814 then having bought 6,487 of Thomas Jefferson’s books in 1815.
Literacy Volunteers of Augusta say the first public library building in Maine, built in 1880 in Hallowell is often mistaken as a church.
The Abel J. Morneault Library may not be the biggest, oldest or richest but it does have the DVD “Jimmy Franck’s Van Buren Memories,” bringing alive Van Buren’s past with haunting photos, interesting research and a World War II Pacific Theater Veteran’s endangered species memories.
You’ll forget your potato chips! Keith C. Taft Van Buren
The National Archives shows Jack Kerouac was honorably discharged from the U.S. Naval Reserves during World War II after being diagnosed with dementia praecox (schizophrenia), later changed to schizoid personality disorder. He then served a successful hitch during the war with the U.S. Merchant Marines. His third wife Stella’s brother John Sampas said in the Italian journal La Stampa that Kerouac and his manager Malcom Cowley cut two to five pages from “On the Road” believing it wouldn’t be published otherwise due to censorship.
In 1944 war correspondent John Steinbeck was wounded by a munitions explosion in North Africa while accompanying commando raids. says “Of Mice and Men” was banned in Syracuse, Ind. in 1974 and four other cities between 1977 and 1983.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was an Army scout during the Battle of the Bulge. says his novel “Slaughterhouse-Five” was burned in Drake, N.C. in 1973, Rochester, Mich. in 1972, Levittown, N.Y. in 1975, North Jackson, Ohio in 1979 and barred from being bought by the Washington Park High School in Racine, Wis. in 1984.
James Franck, Jr. served in the Pacific Theater with the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II so you’d better pick up the Abel J. Morneault Library’s DVD, “Jimmy Franck’s Van Buren Memories” ($15, 868-5067) showing Van Buren’s past through pictures shared by many VBers with Mr. Franck’s and librarian Nancy Troeger’s well researched reminiscences - before they come after it too.
Okay, Van Buren isn’t the boomtown it was when Loring Air Force Base assembled nukes. But says the U.S. incidence rate for all cancer types rose from 1975 through 1992, the year the U.S. last tested nuclear weapons, and has dropped since from 1993 to 2009.
And now Sunny Side Up Films is planning to use Van Buren as a location in its movie, thanks to LaJoie Growers’ Peruvian blue potatoes, which St. John Valley Times says they began growing about 11 years ago.
The LaJoies grow some of their potatoes in Cyr Plantation, which received a Federal Empowerment Zone designation in December 2001. Empowerment Zones (EZ) were created by the Democrat-controlled Congress to stimulate businesses and job creation in distressed communities in 1994, the year Loring closed. says each rural EZ received $40 million Health and Human Services grants and qualifying businesses received a 20 percent credit for each EZ resident employee’s qualifying wages (up to $15,000), 0 percent tax on capital gains on property kept for five years and increased tax deductions on equipment.
Part of President Obama’s deal with Republicans in December 2010 to extend the Bush tax cuts was to revive the Federal Empowerment Zone designations, which had expired Dec. 31, 2009. But the Empowerment Zones were only extended to Dec. 31, 2011, while the Bush tax cuts are still in effect.
The shaved-ice glaring streetnik guarding his paper coffee cup like a fisher king outside the Pinellas Park, Fla. labor pool 3 blocks from the Jim Morrison / Jack Kerouac frequented Beaux Arts Coffee House was avoided by the other laborers 'cause now and then he'd smack someone upside the head for no apparent reason.
Found out after carefully informing him of the Earned Income Tax Credit he was a probably Polish homeless ex-marine studying algebra at the public library.
He got the few hundred extra bucks back on his refund, gave me beer money, got me on a good ticket laying cable lines in Bradenton, told me a Polish joke I can't relate being probably Irish and showed me the calculus textbook he eventually wrote.
Think short term oil futures speculators are ashamed paying 12 percent less tax than comparable stock traders? Or Maine businesses of sales tax exemptions for 95 percent of manufacturing energy costs? Or the 83 of the top 100 US businesses says had offshore tax havens in 2008?
So why let Mr. Grinch cow 15 - 25 percent of you due EITC from claiming it, or the American Opportunity (college) Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Dependent Care Tax Credit, deducting medical care car mileage, or claiming your Maine Rent Refund, when you're Mr. Grinch's market?