Thursday, May 9, 2013

Philip's Friday May 10th BDN letter for protecting rich people's , er, conceal carry permit owner's info

Sniper Beer Gun>Hi Philip - said 60% of Republicans and only 25% of Dems had guns in their homes in 2012> said Maine Republicans used voter registration info to intimidate student voters in 2011

Guns: Private, confidential

I am a student at Unity College, studying conservation law enforcement. I am writing this in response to the March 10 BDN article “Protecting the privacy of concealed weapons permit holders.”
I am in support of making concealed carry permit holders’ names and information private. I feel that this is necessary for not only the permit holders but also the general public. I feel this way because with that information open to the public, it can make it easier for criminals to rob houses that are not on the concealed carry list.
Now, I understand that does not ensure that there is not a gun in the house for hunting or protecting, but giving a list of names out of people who can carry guns is wrong. Everyone has the right to privacy, and giving that privacy only to those who do not have a concealed carry permit is not fair to the rest.
Also with those names being public, it could impact those people’s lives in a negative manner due to the fact that people may not like guns and may not want to be around them and could essentially be treating concealed carry permit holders like lepers.
When this nation was founded, the founding fathers set up the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment to guarantee the right to bear arms. Granted, this doesn’t have to deal with taking firearms away from anyone, but it takes away their privacy in being able to carry that firearm. I strongly believe everyone has the right to privacy, and, therefore, the name and information of Maine licensed concealed carry permit holders should be made confidential.
Philip Horner

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