Thursday, August 8, 2013

well okay niecelet angry health insurance usual smoke + mirrors

r click cher ' broken hearted battle scarred ' 2nd window

asked her to find on myspace - meant mylife -  kelly who's family and the beverlies kind of adopted me like ms stanliwictz cher after mom beamed up and that kelly was some kind of super nurse specializing in diabetes so she probably understands the new health care law and could give my niece some pointers on how to work the system

mentioned that she is dave + tim's sister and that her office is in winston salem but she lived about 40 miles from my niece...

told niece to tell k.  about steven sora's templar treasure book and how on page 210 it says kali's priestesses in ireland who watched the sky wore kelly green and that our modern word for calender comes from her books of time called  ' the kalends '

why censor this greedom come thy mammonary be done fb thought stazis?

see, dave and his friend karen rode their bikes...hmmm...i think it was from boston - not sure now - but from the atlantic  all the way across n america - they went over to canada near sault st marie - to the pacific ocean in 1986...epic...  he also taught me how to live in the woods which allowed me to get a job operating the love in an england bros.elevator  in pitts. while going to bcc [ though might not have gotten it without dad's phone + address]

tried to do it too, but rear wheel gear side spoke broke outside parmus [ups palmyra] ny where joseph smith found book of maroni

you say how does this pertain? have to get link, but if memory serves, book of moroni says lost tribes of israel came to america....,_Earl_of_Orkney

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