Wednesday, June 12, 2013

...if you dish it out

The Portland Press Herald letter  [June12,2013] by Tina, the ED of the Maine Public Health Association proclaims disappointment for Pepe LeGovernor vetoing the right of truehearted uprightener Mainerbrainers to persecute poor people almost as much as Pontius LePage.

 Homeless Mentally Ill Persons: A bibliography review says 1986 88% of schizophrenics smoked says highest prevalence of psychosis is in poor people.'s master list of mobile source (highway and non highway transportation) exhaust chemicals is over 15 pages long with more than 60 chemicals per page.

Reuters says diesel exhaust a carcinogen as toxic as mustard gas, asbestos and arsenic (and maybe old lace)


The National Institutes of Health say benzene also accellerates immuno-deficiency

and causes NHL. says acrilononitrile in the central nervous system from auto exhaust causes rapid heart beat and death + is carcinogenic. says gasoline exhaust contains formaldehyde says formaldehyde causes nose and throat cancer. says at the turn of the century lung cancer was very rare, now it is the leading killer in the US.

Wiki says the first production of gasoline automobiles was in 1888 by Carl Benz. 

Wiki says tobacco smoking was introduced to France in 1560 by a Frenchman named: Jean Nicot  

"I've been marked once, my dear...and let me assure you, no needle shall ever touch my skin again" 

Psych Central says schizophrenics are mutants

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