You posted a comment in FEMA should rain down help for Piscataquis County · 8 months ago
"The waiver issue has been simmering in Maine for months, since LePage and GOP lawmakers changed the eligibility requirements for MaineCare -- the state's Medicaid program -- as a way to balance the budget, upsetting many Democratic lawmakers." - Kevin Miller of the Kennebeck Journal:
We don't whine Republican Mainers, why do you?You posted a comment in Monday, July 16, 2012: Health care, Down East poverty and LePage · 8 months ago
Hi Sid. Hope your enjoying your day.
Here's some helpful tips for you from Defensive on what to do if your brakes fail:
1. Shift into a lower gear.
If you are driving a car with manual transmission, downshift as quickly as you can without losing control of the car. Don’t shift into first or second gear too suddenly; wait until the car has slowed somewhat.
If you’re in a car with automatic transmission, shift down one gear at the time. The first of the low gears is usually labeled “1.”
2. Check to see how your brake pedal feels.
If your brake pedal feels loose, this could indicate a lack of brake pressure. Pump your brake rapidly to build up pressure (do this even if you do have ABS brakes.) Then, once you have built pressure, press down on the brake firmly.
If your brake pedal feels stiff, there could be a blockage. Use your foot to clear possible obstructions from under the brake pedal or have a passenger take a look.You posted a comment in Portland businesses, city have little recourse to deal with increase in panhandling · 10 months ago
He lost his limbs "upon returning [from] Iraq"? - In 2011 USA TODAY said the number of Iraq and Afghanistan war vets who became homeless had doubled since 2006 posted a comment in Portland businesses, city have little recourse to deal with increase in panhandling · 10 months ago
They won't show compassion until it happens to them. -
St. Pete, Florida police sliced the tops off homeless peoples' tents while they were still in them on Friday, January 19, 2007 -
In 2007 the Florida Office of Economic Opportunity said the average unemployment rate in Pinellas County, Florida was 4.6%. Three years later it was 11.7%
Stay dry while you can, yet to be humbled.You posted a comment in · 11 months ago
Nice Paullette. A lot nicer than I would be, but take heart - for we shall ask : Paulette, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs? posted a comment in Friday, April 13, 2012: Fort Knox privatization, ‘second chances’ and Bangor’s city forest · 11 months ago - How Koch Industries became an oil speculation powerhouse. - Koch Brothers game of "Get Rid of Obama"You posted a comment in Saturday/Sunday, April 14-15, 2012: Education and Positively Kind Week · 11 months ago
I know you people don't like Matthew 7:12 and Matthew 7:2 ( ), so I leave you with the 1970's Americana proverb"what goes around comes around" and the fact that Steve Jobs' daughter lived on welfare while he had $26 million even though he was a buddhist and believed in karma. He also regularly parked in the wheelchair parking spaces and on the last day he entered Apple's offices to officially resign as CEO, he had to use a wheelchair. Steve Jobs, dead at 56.
Enjoy that boiled alive lobster while you still can.You posted a comment in Saturday/Sunday, April 14-15, 2012: Education and Positively Kind Week · 11 months ago - TANF only lasts for 60 months now, so you'd better start preparing.
Oh yeah, you're welcome: posted a comment in Saturday/Sunday, April 14-15, 2012: Education and Positively Kind Week · 11 months ago
Linda, losing is more profound. "You've got to lose to know how to win" - Aerosmith
You posted a comment in Friday, March 16, 2012: Oversize salmon, Occupy trial and law enforcement · a year ago
Yes I'm partisan. President Reagan and House Speaker Tip O'Neill nearly tripled the national debt while unemployment from 1982 -1992 averaged 7.79%. [Oops, 7.08%]
Revelation 3:16 and schizophrenia aren't for sissies. - Katy Perry "Hot and Cold"You posted a comment in Friday, March 16, 2012: Oversize salmon, Occupy trial and law enforcement · a year ago
Great letter Cris - St. Paul said it best: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21
So may you be blessed with all the wealth your hearts desire LEOs, DAs, court officers and superior court judges!
Derick, good job but France's National Health Service provides universal health insurance, refunding 70% of health care costs to the patients or their families, and 100% of the costs in long term care cases.
C'est bon!You posted a comment in Rising fuel prices savaging farms now but could help in long run · a year ago
MI-6 / CIA Operation Ajax overthrows democratically elected Iranian PM Mossadegh and reinstates Shah who gives the formerly nationalized Iranian oil to a consortium of oil companies, two of which were Standard Oil of California (now Chevron) and Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon Mobile). - Operation Ajax - Standard Oil - "The Four Horsemen Behind America's Oil Wars" by Dean HendersonYou posted a comment in LePage unveils initiatives he says will lower electricity rates · a year ago
On July 11, 1952 President Eisenhower approves the joint US / British Operation Ajax (headed by Teddy Roosevelt grandson Kermit Roosevelt ) to create a coup d'etat to overthrow democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh and reinstate the Shah of Iran, According to Dr. Donald M. Wilber, ex CIA chief "coup"strategist, 'cause Mossadegh nationalized the oil industry.
In 1954 The Shah returns controll of Iranian oil to a consortium of private foreign oil companies made up of: "AIOC [Anglo-Iranian Oil Company] (with a 40% holding), Royal Dutch Shell (14% holding), Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), Standard Oil of California, Socony Vacuum, the Texas Company, Gulf Oil Corporation, and the Compagnie Francaise des Petroles." - Operation Ajax
Standard Oil of New Jersey became Exxon Mobil with controlling interest by the Rockefeller Family Foundation - "Probing the Rockefeller Fortune" (A report to the US Congress during the confirmation hearings of Nelson Rockefeller to the vice presidency) - Rockefeller family funding of "Eugenics" movement
. - Theodore Roosevelt a proponent of eugenics which Adolf Hitler praised and used the ideas of in "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle").You posted a comment in Texting while driving and other bad habits — it can wait · a year ago
I don't follow orders very well.
Have a nice day and drive safely. - Horrible car crash.You posted a comment in Texting while driving and other bad habits — it can wait · a year ago
The government won World War II and sent a man to the moon. Private manned space flight is still sub-orbital.
But those are good points, except what if you had a flat? Would your life have been in danger? If there was no shoulder (Maine DOT says [Oops, a minimum of] 2 foot wide shoulders are required ) then the road was unsafe. Perhaps you should mention the road and what area it was in if it was unsafe.
I'm a perv and I've never rushed a car.You posted a comment in Texting while driving and other bad habits — it can wait · a year ago
Could you have stopped in traffic if you had a flat tire? says: " A basic rule of the road requires a vehicle to be able to stop safely if traffic is stopped ahead of it. If it cannot stop safely, the driver is not driving as safely as the person in front."
"Signaling When You Slow Down or Stop Unexpectedly: Your brake lights let people know that you are slowing down. If you are going to stop or slow down at a place where another driver doesn’t expect it, tap your brake pedal three or four times quickly."
- (Page 47) - Interesting car crashes.
Way to go for calling 9-1-1 anyway.You posted a comment in Thursday, March 8, 2012: Marriage, contraception and the 1 percent · a year ago
Thank you for letting me know about farm laborers not being able to strike until 1975 (where tey could in California anyway). And I think Caesar Chavez and the UFW got Americans to boycott table grapes by informing them of the injustices, instead of striking.
You posted a comment in Texting while driving and other bad habits — it can wait · a year ago
Back around 1993 I saw a Honewell van put-putting along 118th Ave. North in St. Pete with a satelite dish on top and the van's side door open. - DARPA "Grand Challenge" prize for driverless vehicles.
Non Sequitur was cutting today, and I actually chuckled reading Beetle Bailey and Garfield, and of course Dilbert was very funny. Unless you're addicted to Facebook or pain meds.You posted a comment in Thursday, March 8, 2012: Marriage, contraception and the 1 percent · a year ago
Judah wanted to burn his daughter in law to death for getting pregnant while engaging in prostitution until she showed him that that he was the one who knocked her up. Genesis 38.
Msally, Chapter 29, Statute 152 Section 3 of the US Code is where it says farm workers couldn't organize
›Oops, it's: Title 29 › Chapter 7 › Subchapter II › § 152 posted a comment in Could Angus become King of the Senate? · a year ago
Looks like the pot is calling the refrigerator black. Senator
Snowe voted against the Senate health care reform bill which closes the
"doughnut hole" (— a coverage gap in which drug expenses between $2,510 and
$4,050 a year were not insured in 2008 ) CNN
Democrats willing to compromise on Bush prescription drug bill in 2003 -
2003 Medicare Prescription Drug benefit estimated by CBO to cost $400 billion
over 10 years before the bill was passed with Democrat compromise. (5th paragraph up) -
In fiscal year 2008 Medicare Part D cost $49.3 billion (pdf page 114, second
paragraph) [Oops, it was calender year 2008] -
Huffington Post's 4 reasons Democrats are willing to compromise while
Republicans won'tYou liked a thread: Could Angus become King of the Senate? · a year ago
You posted a comment in Owner of three IGA stores in The County gets global award · a year ago
Good thing people don't have to eat the leftover food in the dumpsters, huh Mainers?
Food Assistance National Input-Output Multiplier (FANIOM) says every $5 dollars in food stamp benefits generates $9 in economic growth. (page iv)You posted a comment in Wednesday, March 7, 2012: Christmas wreaths, chickenpox and Rush Limbaugh · a year ago
Mitt Romney's company Bain Capital owns Clear Channel Communications - posted a comment in Tuesday, March 6, 2012: Obama, national parks and church dogma · a year ago
Looks like farm workers organized illegally until passage of the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act (CALRA) on June 5th, 1975. I didn't know they couldn't until you mentioned it.Thank you, I guess... CALRA @ wiki - "Farm Labor Organizing 1905 - 1967 A Brief History"You posted a comment in Tuesday, March 6, 2012: Obama, national parks and church dogma · a year ago
Bangor Daily News: Thanks for the idea for my niece's birthday card ("On This Day in History" , Editorial page, A-4).
Hi Dale. Enjoyed your letter so thanks! But it's time to wake up and smell
the freedom: - In
June 2008 Maine price of natural gas was $21.60 / cubic feet.
In June of 2011 the price of natural gas in Maine was $13.94 / cubic feet. -
Maine's primary electicity source is natural gas. -
479.3 megawatts of wind energy have been added in Maine since 2008. -
Obama signs Reinvestment and Recovery act bill stimulating clean energy
production Feb. 17, 2009. -
Obama campaign promise in 2008 to "take out" bin Laden.
~And Obama found Osama~
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